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Stewardship, Finance & Donating


Trustees are responsible for monitoring the finances of the Parish, addressing the long-term needs and goals and planning accordingly, and ensuring the care, maintenance and repair of Parish property.

  • Mike Markus 

  • Warren Pabst​



Our mission is to oversee and review the financial status of the Parish in support of our Parish mission.

Chairperson: Dawn Rodecker

Monthly Review of Bank Reconciliation Statements: Maria Moran

Compensation Subcommittee: Mike Markus and Warren Pabst

Any of the above may be contacted through the Parish Office by email or by phone.

See Parish contact information below.



'For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.' Luke 12:34


How You Can Donate

You may make a donation to our Parish at anytime by contributing to the weekly collections at Mass, called the Parish Offertory, by mailing a check to the Parish Office, or by signing up for the eGiving program.


Offertory Envelopes

The Parish Offertory Envelope program provides you with personalized envelopes with your name and a unique envelope number, that will be mailed to you every other month.

The mailing includes envelopes for the weekly collection and for special collections.

The envelopes are available by signing up through the Parish Office.


Tax information

from our

Jan 2, 2022





Our eGiving option provides you with the opportunity to make a secure onetime donation.

Or, you may set up recurring donations at a frequency of your choice. Note this can be changed or cancelled at any time.

Click           for the online form. 


Click           for eGiving intructions.


Other Opportunites​

  • Diocesan Appeal: "The Holy Spirit inspires each of us to find a deeper sense of our individual missions and then to help one another to discover them to serve each other. Our diocesan family lifts us together in these responsibilities, aided through ministries funded through the Diocesan Appeal." Envelopes are available in church.

  • Re-Igniting Our Faith is a giving program that will ensure that our parish communities, ministries and programs will continue to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ. Envelopes are available in church.

  • Memorial Gifts: Often, when the death of a loved one occurs, family or friends look for ways to express their sympathy in a meaningful way. The Memorial Gift is a wonderful opportunity to honor those who have died. Contact our Parish Office.

  • Bequests: For a lasting tribute to our Parish, and to help serve future generations, please remember our Parish in your will. Contact our Parish Office.


Capture from Bulletin 1-2-2022 Taxes & Offeratory Envelpes.JPG

Contact Our Parish

Office: 518-893-7680




Mailing Address:

3159 Route 9N

P.O. Box 547

Greenfield Center, NY 12833


The Parish Rectory







Note: The Parish Office is located in the Rectory,

which is the brown house to the right of St. Joseph's church on Route 9N.

The Rectory entrance is in the back.

Rectory photo from old site copies 12-27-2021.jfif
St Joseph's color photo recd11-4-2021.jpg

Our Church Locations:


St. Joseph's Church located at:

3159 Route 9N, Greenfield Center

NY 12833







St. Paul's Church located at:

771 Route 29, Rock City Falls

NY 12863

St Paul's  color cropped recd 11-4-2021.jpg
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