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Social & Hospitality Ministry

Social & Hospitality Ministry


The Social & Hospitality Ministry is an extension of the mission of St. Joseph's and St. Paul's, which states that we "welcome all people to God's love." Our ministry is how we do that.


The Social & Hospitality Ministry creates the occasions in which parishioners and guests alike are welcomed. Time and time again I hear people share that our parish is "so welcoming". This is partly accomplished through our Hospitality Hour after each Mass, which is a great casual setting to get to know your parish family.


Other activities that the Social & Hospitality Ministry is responsible for includes: the Parish Picnic and Breakfast with St. Nicholas. 

We are happy and proud to serve a vital role in our Parish Family.


For more information about becoming involved in the Social & Hospitality Ministry, contact Rebecca Cronin through the Parish Office. 


Father Simon's Mystery Meals


​For the past few years, parishioners have been providing meals to Fr. Simon and visiting priests on the weekends.

Mystery Meals coordinator, Sue Horne, is looking for more families to join this ministry.  It is very simple, prepare one additional serving in your dinner during the week and package the meal (freeze if necessary) and deliver to the rectory or St. Joseph's church kitchen before 5 pm Saturday.  (Please include your name, what's in your meal and reheating instructions.)

Fr. Simon also enjoys breads, muffins, rolls, etc. as his Sunday breakfast, so we ask that you include something along those lines.

Also, other options are to invite Father to dinner at our home or out to your favorite restaurant.

Ideally, if we could have 30-40 volunteers, you would only be asked to participate once a year.

Please contact Sue Horne through the Parish Office.

Contact Our Parish

Office: 518-893-7680




Mailing Address:

3159 Route 9N

P.O. Box 547

Greenfield Center, NY 12833


The Parish Rectory







Note: The Parish Office is located in the Rectory,

which is the brown house to the right of St. Joseph's church on Route 9N.

The Rectory entrance is in the back.

Rectory photo from old site copies 12-27-2021.jfif
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Our Church Locations:


St. Joseph's Church located at:

3159 Route 9N, Greenfield Center

NY 12833







St. Paul's Church located at:

771 Route 29, Rock City Falls

NY 12863

St Paul's  color cropped recd 11-4-2021.jpg
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